Mandala Tree of Life

Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life
Mandala Tree of Life

Mandala Tree of Life

€62,99 €69,99 10% OFF

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Mandala Tree of Life

This is not just a puzzle — it is a wooden puzzle. It will be a great gift for both a child and an adult. 

Ancient legends say that an amazing Tree grows in the very center of the Earth.

Its branches touch the sky, the roots go deep into the ground, and flowers and animals hide in the shadow of its trunk. Its majestic crown is entwined with the roots, forming an inseparable circle — a symbol of an endless life. 

We have embodied ancient legends in our puzzle Mandala Tree of Life.

You will find butterflies and stars, birds and flowers, animals and planets during assembly. In order to enhance the meditative effect, we added two types of abstract pieces — rigid, geometric, and soft, smooth ones.

Streaks are stretched all across the Tree, and it seems like Life itself runs in them — such pieces of the jigsaw shine because they are covered with lacquer! The same effect has on the gift box.

Nothing disappears without a trace in nature — everything is reborn, modified, and intertwined. In the place of old leaves, new ones appear, and from the many abstract details in the very center of the mandala, the figure of a Tree grows. They say that life is lived not in vain if you leave the world a better place. Do you remember the old proverb about the son, the house, and the tree? Our Mandala Tree of Life is the very symbol of the infinite development, the connection of all living things on earth, underground, and in heaven. It can be assembled separately and then combined with the rest of the jigsaw puzzle. 

It is a great gift — a sign of rebirth, a new stage of life, and hope that everything will be puzzled out.


Eine aufregende Spiel ist geeignet für Schule Kinder und Erwachsene.

Size M - 25×25 cm (A4) - 200 pcs - middle complexity, age 14+, puzzling time 2-4 hours.

King Size - 33×33 cm (A3) - 350 pcs - high complexity, age 14+, puzzling time 4-6 hours.

Royal Size - 45×45 cm (A2) - 700 pcs - very high complexity, age 14+, puzzling time 6-8 hours.


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Tree of Life is a symbol of connection between generations, worlds, and all living things

Mandala Tree of Life
In the center of the Mandala

there is a figure of the World Tree which can be assembled separately

Mandala Tree of Life

Spectacular gift box with a hint illustration and lacquered elements

Round puzzle shape with jagged edges

Combination of central pattern and abstract pattern

Mandala Tree of Life

Whimsies formed like stars and planets, birds, animals, and flowers

Alternation of geometric and smooth abstract details gives the assembly a special meditativeness and fascination

Mandala Tree of Life

Special lacquered pieces on the streaks of the Tree and puzzle’s edging shine like water droplets

Mandala Tree of Life
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Ein Set allein ermöglicht es Ihnen, 6 kleine Puzzles, 3 mittlere Puzzles oder 3 Kingsize-Puzzles aufzuhängen.

Kleben Sie den Karton auf die Oberfläche.

Schritt 1.

Kleben Sie den Karton auf die Oberfläche.

Unterlage enthalten

Schiebe das Puzzle auf den Karton.

Schritt 2.

Schiebe das Puzzle auf den Karton.

Drehe das Puzzle um.

Schritt 3.

Drehe das Puzzle um.

Kleben Sie den Film auf das Puzzle.

Schritt 4.

Kleben Sie den Film auf das Puzzle.

Glätten Sie den Film über das Puzzle.

Schritt 5.

Glätten Sie den Film über das Puzzle.

Überschüssige Folie abschneiden.

Schritt 6.

Überschüssige Folie abschneiden.

Legen Sie die Leimabsätze auf das Band.

Schritt 7.

Legen Sie die Leimabsätze auf das Band.

It is removable and will not damage your walls

Befestigen Sie das Puzzle an der Wand.

Step 8.

Befestigen Sie das Puzzle an der Wand.

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Jetzt können Sie Ihr Puzzle ganz einfach in ein Stück Inneneinrichtung für zu Hause, im Büro oder einfach überall verwandeln.

Das Set beinhaltet:

  • Eine Pappunterlage zum Umdrehen des Puzzles;
  • Spezielle Aufkleber zum Befestigen des Sockels am Tisch;
  • Klebeetiketten zum Zusammenhalten der Puzzleteile (3 Bögen);
  • Klebepatches zum Anbringen des Puzzles auf der gewünschten Oberfläche
  • Klebepatches zum Anbringen des Puzzles auf der gewünschten Oberfläche
  • Anleitung.

Das Befestigungssystem ist universell für alle Puzzles und Größen

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