Quezzle Space Adventures

Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures
Quezzle Space Adventures

Quezzle Space Adventures

€139,99 €199,99 30% OFF

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Quezzle Space Adventures

More than just a puzzle, more than a board game

Quezzle Space Adventures is a brand-new entertainment format. In one box you will find an amazing wooden puzzle with 1000 intricate pieces and a board quest game with 3D spaceships, interesting tasks, an exciting storyline, and additional arcade games.

This game is based on the story of Prince Unidragon and his beautiful Princess. The villain who kidnapped the princess escaped into deep space. And now the heroes are preparing their spaceships to set off in pursuit to a distant galaxy inhabited by alien civilizations. Dozens of quests and charming characters, incredible locations, complex tasks, and a whole universe of adventures are waiting for you!

Finding and defeating the Villain will require imagination and ingenuity: even the Quezzle gift box itself opens only after you solve the puzzle!

Just like for the first part of Quezzle, the illustration was drawn by the legendary Japanese studio IC4Design. Quezzle Space Adventures is the pinnacle of jigsaw puzzle art, not only in terms of illustration and story but also in terms of production. Thanks to our unique Unitouch printing technology the surface of the puzzle is voluminous, and the colors are incredibly deep and saturated. The illustration does not fade, the pieces are not afraid of moisture, and high-quality HDF makes them very robust.

Quezzle Space Adventure consists of 1000 pieces. It will take at least eight hours to assemble, so call your friends! After assembly, many exciting tasks await you. Each of them tells its own little story, and together they are woven into a real space opera! And don't forget the arcade games that come with it. They will bring even more challenges and fun.

Quezzle Space Adventures is playable even if you're unfamiliar with the first part and its story. Quezzle can be played by one player or a whole team of up to four people. Gather your space squad and rush to the stars!

see more ˅
Quezzle Space Adventures — wooden jigsaw puzzle and quest
A unique highly detailed illustration from the legendary Japanese studio IC4Design
1000 puzzle pieces — a real challenge!
Gift box with a secret puzzle lock
Four 3D spacecrafts to built — one for each player
Arcade mini-games and a cryptex puzzle inside!
Logbook guide to the game and the plot
Our unique printing technology Unitouch provides a three-dimensional surface, deep colors, and detail
Experience the Space Adventures alone or in a team of up to four explorers

frequently asked questions

Wie unterscheidet sich die Größe der Teile bei den Puzzlegrößen – S, M, KS, RS?
What is a wooden puzzle?
How long does each size puzzle take to assemble?
Who are the puzzles suitable for?
What do I do with completed puzzles?
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Ein Set allein ermöglicht es Ihnen, 6 kleine Puzzles, 3 mittlere Puzzles oder 3 Kingsize-Puzzles aufzuhängen.

Kleben Sie den Karton auf die Oberfläche.

Schritt 1.

Kleben Sie den Karton auf die Oberfläche.

Unterlage enthalten

Schiebe das Puzzle auf den Karton.

Schritt 2.

Schiebe das Puzzle auf den Karton.

Drehe das Puzzle um.

Schritt 3.

Drehe das Puzzle um.

Kleben Sie den Film auf das Puzzle.

Schritt 4.

Kleben Sie den Film auf das Puzzle.

Glätten Sie den Film über das Puzzle.

Schritt 5.

Glätten Sie den Film über das Puzzle.

Überschüssige Folie abschneiden.

Schritt 6.

Überschüssige Folie abschneiden.

Legen Sie die Leimabsätze auf das Band.

Schritt 7.

Legen Sie die Leimabsätze auf das Band.

It is removable and will not damage your walls

Befestigen Sie das Puzzle an der Wand.

Step 8.

Befestigen Sie das Puzzle an der Wand.

Auf Lager

Jetzt können Sie Ihr Puzzle ganz einfach in ein Stück Inneneinrichtung für zu Hause, im Büro oder einfach überall verwandeln.

Das Set beinhaltet:

  • Eine Pappunterlage zum Umdrehen des Puzzles;
  • Spezielle Aufkleber zum Befestigen des Sockels am Tisch;
  • Klebeetiketten zum Zusammenhalten der Puzzleteile (3 Bögen);
  • Klebepatches zum Anbringen des Puzzles auf der gewünschten Oberfläche
  • Klebepatches zum Anbringen des Puzzles auf der gewünschten Oberfläche
  • Anleitung.

Das Befestigungssystem ist universell für alle Puzzles und Größen

Auf Lager

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Inlandslieferungen erfolgen in nur 2-3 Tagen and costs from 5.99 €.


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